
g.j? game_cg queen_bonjourno sakurazaka_meguru sano_toshihide seifuku

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The kind of sexual harassment that never gets reported.
Atys said:
The kind of sexual harassment that never gets reported.
I like this kind of sexual harassment,it's welfare ><
Atys said:
The kind of sexual harassment that never gets reported.
it would have to be unwanted to be harassment wouldn't it?
vhd953 said:
it would have to be unwanted to be harassment wouldn't it?
Both unwanted and it had been made clear it's unwanted. Kissing someone you like once to show you like them, even if it ends up not being reciprocated wouldn't qualify really. While it's a bit more common to tell someone you like/love them instead of leading off with a kiss, it's not exactly rare to just kiss them and see if they respond. ヾ(。 ̄□ ̄)ツ

Now if he doesn't respond/return her feelings and she does it again, that would definitely be sexual harassment. o( ̄‐ ̄*)
Dude, stop harassing the girl by denying her passionate advances
yeah, what's up with those anime boys